
About the Workforce Information Council

The Workforce Investment Act establishes a unique structure for Federal-State cooperation in planning and overseeing the workforce information system.

The Secretary of Labor, through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, acts with other Federal agencies and State employment statistics agency representatives elected by their peers. Collectively known as the Workforce Information Council, this group works together to plan, guide, and oversee the nationwide workforce information system.

Current Members

The Workforce Information Council currently includes representatives from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and participants from the Employment and Training Administration, and 10 state representatives.


Bureau of Labor Statistics Members

Michael Horrigan, Federal Co-Chair
Kenneth Robertson
Rebecca Rust
Tom Shaffer
Sheila Watkins

Employment and Training Administration Participants

Kimberly Vitelli
Pamela Frugoli

State Members

Region 1   Andrew Condon, Connecticut
Region 2   Gary Halyard, Virgin Islands
Region 3   Vacant
Region 4   Rebecca Rust, Florida
Region 5   Steve Hine, Minnesota
Region 6   Raj Jindal, Louisiana
Region 7   Phil Baker, Nebraska
Region 8   Carrie Mayne, Utah
Region 9   Bill Anderson, Nevada
Region 10  Bob Uhlenkott, Idaho

Click here for the Council Member name and address list.

Council Chairs

The Council is co-chaired by a federal and a state member.
The federal co-chair is Michael Horrigan of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The state co-chair is selected by the State Representatives. The current state co-chair is Phil Baker, Nebraska.

Member Selection

State Representatives are State employment statistics directors who are elected by their peers and represent the 10 Department of Labor regions. Rules for the election of State Representatives to the Workforce Information Council were published in the Federal Register.

Federal members are selected by the heads of their respective agencies, the Commissioner of Labor Statistics and the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training.

Meeting Information

The Council meets several times a year. The upcoming meetings are listed on the calendar page.

Observers and nonmembers are welcome to attend Workforce Information Council meetings. Observers are requested to notify the co-chairs prior to the meeting that they will attend, so adequate meeting room space may be obtained. Observers may participate in Council discussions only when specifically invited to do so by the co-chairs.

Meeting Minutes

Council meeting minutes are posted on the Meeting Notes page.


The Workforce Information Council has adopted a Governance document that defines how the Council is organized, how it operates, and how it manages the workforce information system.